Faculty: Health Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Nursing
Length of Study: 3 YEARS (9 months each year, a total of 27 months

Enrollment Period:  October [Fall] and February [Spring]
Number of ECTS: 180

Nursing Program

MedPathway has partnered with the Medical University of Lublin to offer a 3-year Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. The Medical University of Lublin (MUL) founded in 1944 is a state university in Poland under the auspices of the European Union, that boasts a long-standing tradition of preparing health professionals from medical doctors to graduate nurses. MUL has been educating students from around the globe, especially from the USA, Canada, UK, Middle East and Asian Countries for many decades in the field of Medicine (MD), Dentistry (DDS) and Pharmacy (PharmD). The English-program Nursing degree meets national and European Union standards, and the requirements of medical education. Candidates may apply for admission to the 3-year undergraduate program (BSc) right from High School where they will acquire the knowledge and skills that will allow them to work in a variety of health care settings around the globe (for example in the United States, Canada or the UK).

Why Nursing at MUL?

The practical classes and internships are organized in such a way that the acquisition of practical skills in natural conditions is preceded by the development of these skills during low-fidelity simulation training in nursing skills laboratories at the Medical Simulation Center. The practical classes and professional apprenticeships are conducted in various hospital wards, including: internal medicine wards, geriatric wards, surgical wards, pediatric wards, neurological wards, psychiatric wards, intensive care wards, long-term care wards, to name just a few. The classes also take place in outpatient clinics and hospices. In short, the program is offered at a respected university-setting, in accredited teaching hospitals, at a known college town.

Choose Nursing if you want to:

  • acquire general knowledge in the field of medical sciences and detailed knowledge of nursing profession.
  • gain skills necessary to provide healthcare services to patients.
  • learn how to provide comprehensive and individualized care for sick, disabled and dying people.
  • learn how to educate patients on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention, as well as how to establish cooperation in health care teams.
  • prepare for nursing licensure exams in many countries including the US, Canada and the UK.

Our Nursing Program equips you with both essential medical knowledge and practical skills necessary to practice as a registered professional nurse.

Studying at MUL:

  • high level of medical and nursing education
  • international environment
  • wide variety of extracurricular activities

Graduate profile:

After completing the first-cycle studies in Nursing, the graduates obtain the right to work in public and private healthcare institutions such as hospital departments, clinics, nursing homes, hospices and emergency departments. The Bachelor of Nursing degree earned at the Medical University of Lublin entitles alumni to apply for a professional nursing license that will allow them to practice nursing worldwide. The graduates who wish to further continue their education may apply for admission to the second-cycle studies (Masters in Nursing).

Nursing School Stress Busters: Nurturing Self-Care and Wellness for Aspiring Nurses

The journey through nursing school is a demanding yet rewarding path that requires a delicate balance between academic rigor and personal well-being. As aspiring nurses immerse themselves in the realm of healthcare education, they often find themselves grappling with a multitude of stressors.

From demanding coursework and challenging clinical rotations to the responsibility of caring for patients, the pressures can quickly accumulate. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of nursing school stress and unveil a variety of effective strategies for nursing students to prioritize self-care and wellness. By equipping themselves with these stress-busting tools, future nurses can navigate the challenges of MedPathway Nursing School Programs while fostering their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

The Cause of Nursing School Stress

Nursing education is renowned for its rigorous nature. Most aspiring nurses do not enter their degree programs with the assumption that they can effortlessly breeze through by meeting minimal requirements. While the demanding academic workload undeniably contributes to the stress factor, it constitutes just one facet of the equation.

MedPathway Nursing School Programs encompass a blend of intricate subject matter, encompassing tasks such as committing unfamiliar medical terminology to memory, engaging in hands-on clinical experiences, and showcasing a comprehensive grasp of nursing ethics and optimal patient care practices—merely scratching the surface. Conventional study techniques offer some assistance, yet the truth remains that nursing students must proficiently navigate a diverse spectrum of subjects.

Determining Stress Busters to Survive Nursing School

It requires little imagination to grasp the potential stressors associated with nursing school. The demands of selecting a reputable degree program, attaining top-notch grades, and conquering pivotal licensure examinations are merely the initial layers. Additionally, the apprehension linked to daily patient interactions adds another dimension to the complexity.

Undoubtedly, the mind of a typical nursing student bears a substantial burden. While it’s improbable to entirely eradicate nursing school stress—since, at times, it might even serve as a catalyst for heightened performance—there exist avenues to alleviate a portion of this weight.

And who better to glean wisdom from than those who have emerged triumphant? Here are some insights and stress management tips from seasoned professionals who navigated the journey with poise. Delve further to unearth the facets contributing to nursing school stress and discover actionable strategies to manage it effectively.

Tip #1: Understand the Anatomy of Nursing School Stress

With its rigorous curriculum and hands-on learning experiences, MedPathway Nursing School Programs and externship opportunities are designed to mold students into competent healthcare professionals. However, the journey comes with its fair share of stressors that can potentially impact students’ overall health and academic performance. The pressure to excel in exams meet clinical requirements, and master complex medical concepts can be overwhelming. Add to that the emotional weight of caring for patients, and it becomes evident why nursing school stress is a common phenomenon.

Tip #2: Prioritize Your Well-Being

Recognizing the importance of self-care is the first step in mitigating nursing school stress. Establishing a self-care routine is not just a luxury; it is a fundamental necessity to ensure that nursing students remain resilient and thriving throughout their educational journey. Here are some essential self-care practices to incorporate into your daily routine:

  • Mindful Moments: Embrace mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, to ground yourself and alleviate stress.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Prioritize regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep to fuel your body and mind for optimal performance.
  • Time Management Mastery: Efficiently manage your time by creating schedules, setting realistic goals, and avoiding burnout from over-committing.
  • Social Support Networks: Foster meaningful connections with peers, mentors, and friends who understand the challenges of nursing education.
  • Creative Outlets: Engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy and help you unwind, whether it’s painting, playing music, or spending time in nature.

Tip #3: Manage Clinical Rotations

Clinical rotations are an integral part of nursing education, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world healthcare settings. However, these experiences can amplify stress due to the direct patient care responsibilities they entail. Here’s how students enrolled in Nursing School Admissions MedPathway can navigate clinical rotations while maintaining their well-being:

  • Attentive Patient Care: Practice compassionate care by engaging fully with patients, actively listening to their concerns, and demonstrating empathy.
  • Effective Communication: Develop strong communication skills to collaborate with healthcare teams, patients, and their families, reducing the anxiety associated with miscommunication.
  • Reflective Practice: After each clinical encounter, engage in self-reflection to celebrate successes, analyze challenges, and continuously improve your skills.
  • Setting Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your professional and personal life to prevent burnout and promote a healthy work-life balance.
  • Seeking Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from clinical instructors and mentors when faced with complex patient situations or emotional challenges.

Tip #4: Navigate High-Stress Scenarios

In the world of nursing, high-stress situations are inevitable. Nursing students must learn to remain composed and resilient even when faced with critical incidents or emotionally charged circumstances. Here’s how to cultivate resilience during Nursing School Admissions MedPathway and beyond:

  • Mindset Matters: Foster a growth mindset that embraces challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, helping you navigate adversity with resilience.
  • Debrief and Learn: After challenging experiences, engage in debriefing sessions with peers or instructors to process emotions, gain insights, and enhance coping mechanisms.
  • Wellness Resources: Utilize available wellness resources, such as counseling services and support groups, to proactively address stress and mental health concerns.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with self-compassion and positive self-talk, nurturing your self-esteem and bolstering your ability to handle stressors.
  • Personal Strengths: Identify your personal strengths and leverage them to overcome challenges, reminding yourself of your capabilities and potential.

Tip #5: Practice Self-Care

Nursing students should prioritize their mental health just as they would any other aspect of their overall well-being. Exploring novel avenues for achieving relaxation might be necessary, even if they’re unfamiliar to you. Shifting your attention entirely to something unrelated can effectively disengage your mind and serve as a buffer against burnout.

Here are several uncomplicated self-care practices you can experiment with to mitigate the stress of nursing school:

  • Indulge in a serene bath experience: Consider acquiring a set of bath bombs, granting yourself a delightful incentive to luxuriate in the tub frequently.
  • Venture into the world of yoga: This discovery proved transformative for many during nursing school, providing unparalleled concentration.
  • Engage in meditation: Many free meditation sessions are available on platforms like YouTube, offering you a range of options to explore.
  • Tune in to your favored podcast: Let its content transport you from the rigors of nursing education.
  • Take a few moments to sit outdoors: Allow the tranquility of nature to permeate your senses.
  • Try cooking for fun: Immerse yourself in culinary creativity by baking or cooking a meal from scratch.
  • Listen to music: Recline and envelop yourself in the harmonious embrace of your preferred music.
  • Read: Immerse yourself in an engaging non-academic book that captivates your interest.
  • Take a walk: Embark on a leisurely walk, allowing the rhythm of your steps to alleviate your stress.
  • Recharge with a power nap: Invest in earplugs and an eye mask to minimize disturbances and maximize the benefits.

Experimenting with these self-care activities can potentially unveil new sources of solace and rejuvenation, offering you valuable tools to combat the stress inherent in nursing school.

Tip #6: Seek Help When Needed

While self-care strategies are paramount, there are times when seeking professional help is crucial. If stress begins to interfere significantly with your daily life or mental well-being, don’t hesitate to reach out to qualified healthcare professionals.

Amidst the demands of nursing school, avoid becoming so engrossed that you overlook the opportunity to stay connected with those who are eager to support you on your journey. Dedicate moments to engage in regular conversations, allowing you to exchange updates on your progress, discuss challenges and triumphs, and be receptive to assistance when it’s extended—whether it’s in the form of pre-prepared meals or someone helping you prepare for a significant exam.


Nursing school stress is an inherent aspect of the journey toward becoming a healthcare professional. By incorporating effective self-care practices, mastering clinical rotations with compassion and responsibility, cultivating resilience, and seeking professional support when needed, nursing students can successfully navigate the challenges while preserving their physical, emotional, and mental wellness.

Remember, by nurturing yourself, you are ensuring a healthier and more rewarding nursing education and preparing to provide exceptional care to patients in the future. Embrace these stress-busting strategies, and let them empower you on your transformative path toward nursing excellence. Contact us today for more info about Nursing School Admissions MedPathway.